
Watts Teaching Ministries (WTM) is dedicated to your success. Pastor James and Debbie Watts believe success begins with the development of your spiritual life. WTM provides encouragement and teaching on the principles of faith, so that you can grow spiritually and enjoy the abundant life Jesus spoke of.

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Faith for Your Future

“Where there is unbelief, no mountain will be moved, no sick people will be healed, no great works will be done for God’s kingdom. Just as Jesus could do no mighty miracles in Nazareth because of the townspeople’s unbelief, so today we limit His mighty miracles because of our unbelief.”
—Dr. Bill Bright

As Paul said, “Faith is substance of our hope,” and hope should fill our future. We should focus everyday on building our faith so we can ensure tomorrow’s mountains will be moved, the sick will be healed, and great works will be done for the Kingdom.

Has today been difficult? Faith says, “Tomorrow is the turning point.” Has today been wonderful? Faith says, “Tomorrow will be even better!”

Faith embraces the possibilities.

What can we do today to build our faith? Here’s a few suggestions:

Prioritize Faith Building. Your first step today should be to adopt a faith mindset:

I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me
[I am ready for anything and equal to anything
through Him Who infuses inner strength into me;
I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency].
Philippians 4:13 AMP

Find a Specific Scripture on Which to Stand. You don’t have to memorize the entire Bible. A single verse that takes hold in your heart, will change everything. Even just part of a verse can inspire such great faith that sickness will flee from you:

. . . with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.
Isaiah 53:5b AMP

Turn a Deaf Ear to the Contrary Voices. The majority of voices that you hear throughout the day are negative. It is true that “misery loves company.” Don’t let the woes of the world infect your thinking. Change your friends if you have to. Those appendages on the sides of your head are ears not garbage cans. Do not let contrary voices conform your thinking:

Do not be conformed to this world (this age),
[fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs],
but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind
[by its new ideals and its new attitude]
Romans 12:2 AMP

SAVE THE DATE: September 19, WTM gives birth to Grand View Church. Our inaugural church service will at 6:00 PM in the grand ballroom at the Hilton. Don’t miss it!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Thinking on the Supernatural Level Is a Process

"To often we do not expect the miraculous or the impossible. Supernatural thinking looks at life from a faith perspective that considers all things possible with God”—Bill Bright.

Thinking on the supernatural level is a process; one that Dr. Bright describes as five stages: Knowing God, surrendering to God, seeking a vision from God, abandoning self-effort, and adopting a supernatural perspective (taken from The Joy of Supernatural Thinking, pp 37-44):

1. Knowing God. It is not knowing that there is a god, but knowing God personally—as a child knows a father. Such knowing brings trust.

2. Surrendering to God. Submitting to anything other than one's "flesh" is most difficult. The flesh seeks to rule. But your spirit seeks to be led by God’s Spirit. For the Spirit always knows where the still waters and green pastures are. “Let the Holy Spirit fill and control you” (Ephesians 5:18).

3. Seeking a vision from God. Your God-given vision is an important piece in God’s overall plan of evangelizing the world. Spiritual gifts are given to compliment God-given mission. The Lord will equip you for your calling.

4. Abandoning self-effort. Our abilities are too limited to ever accomplish what God has commissioned us to do. The natural man, with natural thinking, and natural talents is unable to achieve the works of ministry God envisions for us. However, the Holy Spirit provides the “super” on our “natural” needs. We are not great, but the Lord desires to do something great through us.

5. Adopting a supernatural perspective. “The filament in a light bulb does not shine because it tries hard; rather, it shines because it is connected to a power source. We are the same way — we are successful only as we serve as a conduit for God’s power in the world.” Fully commit to the truth that with God ALL things are possible.

Have a wonderful Spirit-led day. Jesus is Lord!

Pastors James and Debbie