
Watts Teaching Ministries (WTM) is dedicated to your success. Pastor James and Debbie Watts believe success begins with the development of your spiritual life. WTM provides encouragement and teaching on the principles of faith, so that you can grow spiritually and enjoy the abundant life Jesus spoke of.

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Gifts Are for Today, and for You

Some say the gifts of the Holy Spirit passed away with the Twelve. But the book of Acts records the manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in many people other than the Apostles: Paul, the 120 disciples of the Upper Room, general believers of Acts chapter four, deacons, Agabus, and Philip’s daughters. Clearly, the gifts of the Spirit are for all believers filled with the Spirit.

The question to ponder is: Are we among those added to the list above? If the gifts are nothing more than a historical curiosity, they do us no good whatsoever. But they are for “you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call" (Acts 2:39 NKJV).

What is the common denominator among the above list of Christians who operated in the gifts of the Spirit? FAITH. We receive the free gift of the Holy Spirit’s power by faith.

Debbie and I have committed our lives to be counted among those who operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. How about you?

But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:
 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.
1 Corinthians 12:7-11 NKJV

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Reputation of Faith and Love

We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,
since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of your love for all the saints;
Colossians 1:3-4 NKJV

Your reputation is your billboard. It is how you are known.  It is what people are saying about you. The proverb declares: A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold” (Proverbs 22:1 NKJV).

According to Paul, the believers at Colosse had a great reputation. Their faith was spoken of across the land. Paul had received reports of their faith while he was a prisoner in Rome.

Being people of faith and love makes for the very best of reputations. How can we develop such characteristics? Here’s some ideas:

1. Be a giver. Faith and love gives requiring nothing in return. Your time, talents, and treasures are meant to be given not hoarded.

2. Be an encourager. Faith and love always sees the best and has a kind word to share. A word of encouragement is a breath of life to a weary soul.

3. Be consistent in word and deed. Faith and love are not moody. They don’t run hot and cold. When people find you to be the same day in and day out they will call you faithful.

It’s a great day to be a Christian, and it’s a great day for faith and love to mark your life!

Many blessings to you.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Through Faith, We Know that We Know

God has made matters of faith very clear. Indeed, the Bible refers to these matters as the “record” God has given to us:

And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
1 John 5:11-13 KJV

When you hold your Bible today, you hold the record of God’s promises to man: salvation, healing, prosperity, cleansing, forgiveness, victory, peace. . . .  Every promise is offered to everyone. It just takes faith to receive them.

By faith we know that we know the promise is ours. There is an inner witness of the Holy Spirit confirming the promise is true:

All who believe in the Son of God know in their hearts that this testimony is true.
1 John 5:10 NLT

As you read your Bible, consciously acknowledge the truth of God’s Word. Say out loud: “This testimony is true. I BELIEVE and I KNOW IN MY HEART that I have all the benefits of Christian living promised by God.”  The Holy Spirit will agree with you.

Too many say they believe in Jesus but they don’t know anything regarding the blessings of Christian living. They don’t even know if they are going to heaven. It is all a mystery to them because they are unfamiliar with the Record of God’s blessings.

“These things have I written unto you that believe . . . .”

Believing begins with reading what has been written. Everyone is responsible for reading the Bible for themselves. With reading comes believing, and with believing comes knowing. No one can ever rob you of what you know to be true in your heart.

Grand View Church focuses on building faith through Bible-based preaching, so dreams and desires can be achieved. It is the vision of Grand View Church to equip others to fulfill their God-given purpose in life.

Be blessed today, and be a blessing to others.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Faithful Service and Blameless Living

When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am El-Shaddai—'God Almighty.' Serve me faithfully and live a blameless life” (Genesis 17:1 New Living Translation).

A Covenant of Land and Fruitfulness

The Lord was about to do something amazing in the life of Abram. The Almighty One was going to make a covenant with this old man: I will make a covenant with you, by which I will guarantee to give you countless descendants” (Genesis 17:2 NLT).

The covenant promised to multiply his descendants greatly. Nations would come from him, and of those nations would be kings.

Land would also be given to Abram’s descendants as a permanent inheritance: “And I will give the entire land of Canaan, where you now live as a foreigner, to you and your descendants. It will be their possession forever, and I will be their God” (Genesis 17:8 NLT).

The Lord’s Requirements

What did the Lord Almighty require of Abram in return? SERVICE AND HOLINESS: “Serve me faithfully and live a blameless life.”

The words “serve me faithfully,” actually means, “walk before me.” It indicates that we are to conduct our affairs in plain view of God. To undertake His will faithfully—a service to which He inspires us and observes us.

Service is our apprenticeship to the mastery of Christ. It is a win-win; we mature through service, and the world reaps the benefits of our service.

Serving the cause of Christ is most effective when mixed with faith—strong faith. Serving Christ out of habit displays the proper actions but often lacks a faith-filled heart. But service that springs from an abiding faith is satisfying and fulfilling.

Faith sees the broad plans of God . . . service (faith in action) brings them to pass.

To live a “blameless” life is to set aside hindrances to one’s mission. But to be blameless sounds utterly impossible. The apostle Paul said that he was blameless regarding the ceremonial law (Philippians 3:6), but when He came to a saving relationship with Jesus he understood true blamelessness for the first time. He was washed in the Blood of Christ and was counted righteous by faith.

To be cleansed by the Blood of Christ is to be blamelessness. With such knowledge we aim to faithfully fulfil our mission without distractions that impede our success.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Grand Dreams Require Grand Prayers

Jesus said we are to dream big dreams and pray big prayers:

“Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them” (Mark 11:24 NKJV)

The Lord has our best interests in mind. His dreams for us far exceed what we could ever dream for ourselves. We do well when we take time to discover those dreams and pray them out. Discovering the will of God, and yielding to it, is the aim of the Christian.

When our will bends to His wishes we will experience His blessings.

“A miracle happens not because we will it to happen but because God wishes it to happen—and because the believer knows he or she can trust completely in Him and His promises.”
 — Dr. Bill Bright

Jesus confirmed this point when He said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work” (John 4:34 NKJV). Jesus feasted on the will of His Father.

We have two primary means of learning the will of God: the Word and the Spirit. The Bible reveals the Lord’s will concerning Christian conduct and purpose. Additionally, the Holy Spirit reveals the plans of God to those who have a hearing ear.

Currently, the WTM ministry team is fasting in preparation for the kick off of Grand View Church. We are fasting because we desire to give special attention to God’s will regarding the ministry of GVC. We have grand dreams, so we are praying grand prayers.

Join us.

See you Sunday, September 19, at 6:00 PM for GVC’s inaugural worship service.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Faith for Your Future

“Where there is unbelief, no mountain will be moved, no sick people will be healed, no great works will be done for God’s kingdom. Just as Jesus could do no mighty miracles in Nazareth because of the townspeople’s unbelief, so today we limit His mighty miracles because of our unbelief.”
—Dr. Bill Bright

As Paul said, “Faith is substance of our hope,” and hope should fill our future. We should focus everyday on building our faith so we can ensure tomorrow’s mountains will be moved, the sick will be healed, and great works will be done for the Kingdom.

Has today been difficult? Faith says, “Tomorrow is the turning point.” Has today been wonderful? Faith says, “Tomorrow will be even better!”

Faith embraces the possibilities.

What can we do today to build our faith? Here’s a few suggestions:

Prioritize Faith Building. Your first step today should be to adopt a faith mindset:

I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me
[I am ready for anything and equal to anything
through Him Who infuses inner strength into me;
I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency].
Philippians 4:13 AMP

Find a Specific Scripture on Which to Stand. You don’t have to memorize the entire Bible. A single verse that takes hold in your heart, will change everything. Even just part of a verse can inspire such great faith that sickness will flee from you:

. . . with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.
Isaiah 53:5b AMP

Turn a Deaf Ear to the Contrary Voices. The majority of voices that you hear throughout the day are negative. It is true that “misery loves company.” Don’t let the woes of the world infect your thinking. Change your friends if you have to. Those appendages on the sides of your head are ears not garbage cans. Do not let contrary voices conform your thinking:

Do not be conformed to this world (this age),
[fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs],
but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind
[by its new ideals and its new attitude]
Romans 12:2 AMP

SAVE THE DATE: September 19, WTM gives birth to Grand View Church. Our inaugural church service will at 6:00 PM in the grand ballroom at the Hilton. Don’t miss it!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Thinking on the Supernatural Level Is a Process

"To often we do not expect the miraculous or the impossible. Supernatural thinking looks at life from a faith perspective that considers all things possible with God”—Bill Bright.

Thinking on the supernatural level is a process; one that Dr. Bright describes as five stages: Knowing God, surrendering to God, seeking a vision from God, abandoning self-effort, and adopting a supernatural perspective (taken from The Joy of Supernatural Thinking, pp 37-44):

1. Knowing God. It is not knowing that there is a god, but knowing God personally—as a child knows a father. Such knowing brings trust.

2. Surrendering to God. Submitting to anything other than one's "flesh" is most difficult. The flesh seeks to rule. But your spirit seeks to be led by God’s Spirit. For the Spirit always knows where the still waters and green pastures are. “Let the Holy Spirit fill and control you” (Ephesians 5:18).

3. Seeking a vision from God. Your God-given vision is an important piece in God’s overall plan of evangelizing the world. Spiritual gifts are given to compliment God-given mission. The Lord will equip you for your calling.

4. Abandoning self-effort. Our abilities are too limited to ever accomplish what God has commissioned us to do. The natural man, with natural thinking, and natural talents is unable to achieve the works of ministry God envisions for us. However, the Holy Spirit provides the “super” on our “natural” needs. We are not great, but the Lord desires to do something great through us.

5. Adopting a supernatural perspective. “The filament in a light bulb does not shine because it tries hard; rather, it shines because it is connected to a power source. We are the same way — we are successful only as we serve as a conduit for God’s power in the world.” Fully commit to the truth that with God ALL things are possible.

Have a wonderful Spirit-led day. Jesus is Lord!

Pastors James and Debbie

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Characteristics of Supernatural Thinking

We were able to secure a few copies of Dr. Bright’s book, The Joy of Supernatural Thinking, and have made them available at the bookstore. Unfortunately, this book has gone out of print and is difficult to locate. But keep checking in with our blog and I’ll share Dr. Bight’s quotes with you.

“Supernatural thinking is God thinking through a yielded human mind.”—Bill Bright.

Great things happen when you are yielded to the Holy Spirit. Here’s some characteristics of supernatural thinking from pages 23ff:

1. Supernatural thinking requires total dependence on the God of the Bible.

“It is impossible to please God without faith. . . ” (Hebrews 11:6 NLT).

2. Supernatural thinking exalts the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”
(Philippians 2:9-11 NLT).

3. Supernatural thinking furthers the sharing of the good news.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8 NLT).

4. Supernatural thinking requires the working of the Holy Spirit in ways and times beyond our imagining.

“It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven's Armies”
(Zechariah 4:6 NLT).

5. Supernatural thinking is opposed by the faithless.

“But all these things [acts of hatred] they will do to you for My name's sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me” (John 15:21 NKJV)

6. Supernatural thinking is accomplished by passion and devotion.

“No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us” (Philippians 3:13-14 NLT).

7. Supernatural thinking arises from a lifestyle of prayer, fasting, and meditation.

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do” (Joshua 1:8 NLT).

Friday, July 23, 2010

Spiritual Armor

Debbie’s last message on spiritual authority has received such wonderful feedback. She pointed out the proper foundation for a ministry—even our lives—is the authority we have in Jesus’ name.

Of course, she went on to say, that authority will be challenged by our enemy, the devil. That’s expected. What we have to be very careful about is the inner challenges to our spiritual authority. Those inward challenges come in the form of doubt and fear.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this age,
against spiritual hosts of wickedness
in the heavenly places.
(Ephesians 6:12 NKJV)

Fortunately, we have spiritual armor with which we can withstand any attack. In her last point, Debbie described our armor. From Rick Renner’s book, Dressed to Kill, Debbie brought out some great points regarding the shear terror our spiritual armor casts into the hearts of the hosts of hell. From spiked boots to razor sharp thrusting swords, we have the spiritual advantage.

But we have to put the armor on to be able to walk in our authority. Having the armor hanging in our spiritual closet does us no good. Paul says:

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand
against the wiles of the devil.

Therefore take up the whole armor of God,
that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
(Ephesians 6:11,13 NKJV)

Be sure to take up your shield of faith today! On the front lines of battle, the Roman soldier’s shield was an impenetrable barrier covering the entire body. It was covered with six layers of leather and smeared with oil.

Faith is no different. Faith in God’s promises covers us. Layer after layer of God’s goodness and the anointing of the Holy Spirit covers us and protects us against the fiery darts of the enemy.

WTM teaches the principles of faith. Join us if your faith needs a jump start.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fire Upon the Altar

We Have Purchased TV Cameras!

Sunday’s worship service was great. The worship was heavenly. Debbie mused that the best thing she and I have done for the worship team was to remove ourselves from the worship team. She’s right. Wendy and the team are doing a marvelous job.

I preached a message entitled “Fire Upon the Altar.” The fire fell when the Holy Spirit filled the Tabernacle, Solomon’s Temple, and 120 believers on the Day of Pentecost. The fire represents the Spirit-filled life, and the Spirit-filled life is the manner of life the Lord intends us to live.

At the heart of the Spirit-filled life is supernatural thinking. Such thinking is not limited by human ability. Supernatural thinking continually focuses on God’s ability and not our own. When God’s “super” is placed on our “natural” we have supernatural thinking.

Dr. Bill Bright cites the Bible promise:

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
Philippians 2:13 New Living Translation

“In other words,” Dr. Bright says, “whatever God tells us to do, He will enable us to do.”

Dr Bright asks: “Where are the saints who envision themselves doing great deeds for God? Where are the ones who can see kingdom opportunities in places where others only see obstacles? Why don’t we plot a course of action that requires God to empower us to complete it—and that will bring great glory to Him when it succeeds?”

WTM is full of vision. The Lord clearly spoke to my heart and said, “Make the Holy Spirit known to the world.” So, we will.

We are pleased to announce that we have purchased three television cameras and expanded our sound board for the very purpose of taking this message of Spirit-filled living to the world.

Join the vision of WTM and help us reveal the Spirit to the world.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Supernatural Life

I picked up a wonderful book on my way out of the house to read on the plane. I had perused it previously, but I thought the cross-country trip would allow me to really dig in. It is Dr. Bill Bright’s book, The Joy of Supernatural Thinking.

You may know of Dr. Bright as the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ International. He attributes his success in the ministry to decades of supernatural thinking. He encourages all to live the supernatural life by thinking supernaturally, praying supernaturally, planning supernaturally, loving supernaturally, living supernaturally in the power of the Holy Spirit, and expecting supernatural results.

I just love this book. In fact, I encourage all to get a copy. Debbie has given several copies away at Shoes on the Move meetings. I hope we can stock them at the WTM bookstore soon. If you can’t wait, you can find it at http://www.amazon.com/.

Dr. Bright says:

“For many years, I have been interested in the frontiers that lie beyond mere human
accomplishment. I have thought deeply about a mind-set focused not on what is naturally
 plausible but on what is supernaturally possible. This is how I began to use the term
supernatural thinking.”

Today, I am asking myself what lies beyond my human accomplishments today? I’m going to forget the naturally plausible and seize the supernaturally possible.

How about you? The realm of the supernatural is calling!

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Spirit of Faith Speaks

I have just returned from a week in Tulsa attending a school accreditation conference. I sat through several board meetings, business meetings, and conference meetings. All very interesting.

Countless words were spoken during these meetings. More important than the amount of words was the power of the words spoken. The words set policy and procedures for the accreditation association. They have set a new course that will effect a multitude of schools.

Because of these words, the accreditation process has changed.

My point: Words are powerful. Words change things.

Faith-filled words will frame your world: “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible” (Hebrews 11:3 NKJV).

Being strong in faith will cause you to speak things into being: I can... I will... I have... I understand... I am convinced... I am more than... I am prosperous... I am healed... I suffer no lack, limits, or loss... I am patient... I am loving... I am committed... I am favored... I am confident and courageous... I am an overcomer.... and on and on.

It’s not just because you are saying it, but because you are saying it in agreement with God’s Word and by faith. The spirit of faith speaks:

And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, "I believed
and therefore I spoke," we also believe and therefore speak . . . .
(2 Corinthians 4:13 NKJV)

Again, words are powerful:

Then God said,"Let there be light"; and there was light.
(Genesis 1:3 NKJV)

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.
(Proverbs 18:21 NKJV)

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything   
according to His will, He hears us.
And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have
 the petitions that we have asked of Him.
(1 John 5:14-15 NKJV)

You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So
light will shine on your ways.
(Job 22:28 NKJV)

"And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you,    
whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.
Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive,
that your joy may be full.
(John 16:23-24 NKJV)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Glorious Time - Celebration Service Update

Sunday night’s Celebration Service was glorious.

By all accounts, worship was heavenly and all in attendance were refreshed by the presence of the Lord.

Debbie and Beverly Clarke team taught on “The Discerning of Spirits,” a vital topic for the days we are living in. The night turned into an illustrated sermon, as much activity was going on throughout the conference center. God certainly got all the glory for everything that was accomplished for the Kingdom.

As always, teaching notes and CDs are available for every message. Be sure to stop by the bookstore before and after each meeting.

Pastors James and Debbie want to express their sincere thanks to all who serve in the WTM ministry, without you we would not be able to accomplish anything.

Make plans now to attend our next Celebration Service scheduled for Sunday, July 11th at 6pm at the Hilton Hotel in Gainesville, Florida.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Faith of Abraham

Paul points to the faith of Abraham as being the model to follow. He calls Abraham’s faith “strong faith.” And what is strong faith? Faith that staggers not at the promise of God.

Romans 4:20 KJV
He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;

The promise given to Abraham was he would father nations. Humanly speaking, it was a ridiculous premiss. Both he and Sarah were well past childbearing age. But, strong faith disregards natural circumstances in favor of supernatural influence.

Romans 4:19 NLT
And Abraham's faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah's womb.

In a manner of speaking, the Lord has placed “nations” within us. Nations waiting to be birthed. Each of us has a holy cause—something bigger than ourselves that requires strong faith to accomplish.

Your top priority (and mine) is to develop your faith to bring forth your nation—your holy cause. The life of faith is a great adventure, with great rewards. Our allies are the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Through faith we cannot fail to bring forth our nations.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Faith or Circumstances?

Three times the Apostle Paul states that we should live by faith. He tells the Romans, the Galatians, and the Hebrews that Christians should LIVE according to the principles of faith. That’s 24/7.

It’s usually circumstances that define our lives. Our financial, social, or emotional circumstances determine our levels of peace and joy.

Living by faith begins with a quality decision to reject circumstances in favor of the many promises in the Word. Say with conviction, “Today, I will walk by faith and not by sight!” Allow the Holy Spirit to rise up within you as you lay claim to God’s promises.

Faith is the absolute confidence that the covenant promises of God are active in your life.

What are you facing today? Find a promise to combat the problem and let faith be the substance of your life.

Remember, the just shall LIVE by faith.

Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth
by Your great power and outstretched arm.
There is nothing too hard for You.
Jeremiah 32:17 NKJ

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them,
With men this is impossible;
but with God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26 KJV

For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Luke 1:37 KJV